Saturday 1 September 2012

Alternate Culture & Hypocrisies

Saw a lot of post about nathuram godse being hero and true patriot – one who died for undivided India. I see this as kind of mindless promotion of alternate culture, which is being promoted just to show a differentiator. And in some cases, for promotion of local identity, namely Marathi identity. I still can’t believe that they have no issues with Veer Sawarakar – who was the first man to propose two-nation-theory and yet they hate Jinnah. Sawarkar along with RSS is as much responsible for partition as Muslim league is.
Another height of hypocrisy was no support for M F Husain when his exhibitions were vandalized because he drew goddesses in nude. These RSS and Bajrang Dal wallah should also ban kalidas’s kumarshambhav. I am sure none of them read it; otherwise the sensuous description of another goddess should deserve similar treatment.
On similar line, the Indian government’s support for shariat law of Muslim, which is as per Quran, is also ridiculous. By the same right Hindu should be able to derive their law from various Hindu religious works. Taking manusmriti for example, we should legalise untouchability. And as per Ramayana, the dowry system.

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