Monday 3 September 2012

A Hypothetical Question - at least for now

I love kids. Have always loved them. Found so much joy with them over the years. And in a way found great acceptance from them as well. I have found kids to be attracted to me as well; perhaps they felt my natural warmth which is so rarely exhibited. But, lately it hasn’t been so. I have become twisted. I see my bro for example, who also loves kids. And the kids still come to him like they used to come to me. I have lost some of my warmth. Or perhaps, too long under wraps it got spoiled.
Anyway, the point is I still love kids. Love noticing them in market place, streets, and buses as they go about making each moment their own, deriving maximum from each of them. I am envious of the people who have such kids. But a kid of myself is still a bit strange. First my marriage comes in and then comes the responsibility part. Still I guess if I overcome first, I will easily overcome second. And this takes to me the point I was wondering about. What about the kid that I will bring in the world. I will have time of my life bringing him up. I see the way my parents are still attached to me and I wonder if the joys from offspring ever wane. But I also know myself and I know how messed up I am. Will it not be same for that kid? He will have a wonderful childhood – though there are question marks over that as well given all the uncertainties of time. Then an angry teenager followed by anxious twenties. Should I just be selfish and bring him because I feel like. I feel like it will also give me a purpose. I remember the last scene of beautiful movie – “up in the air” – when everybody was talking of his motivation for getting up in morning and going through the day to find a job, to find the money. All of them were asked what for and they reply was for their kids. I can see myself so easily fit in that crowd. I am sure I will love my kid, will be anxious for him and work myself harder to make it alright. I can see a chance of it driving me more depressed as I will always think that I am not being good enough. But then the child grows and finds this world full of shit, full of doubletalk and backstabbing and very apparent purposelessness. Will he come back to me and ask me, as I recall Big B asked his father, why did you bring me? I will not be able to compose a poem to answer him.
The question is – is it worth it? Should I have kid just because I love one? Just because I need someone to share my love with.

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